Objective: 1- Evaluating the change of arterial blood gases in endobronchial anesthesia with the use of Carlens pipe to collapse one lung side. 2- Defining the suitable ventilation adjustment methods in order to stably sustain the arterial blood gases and absolutely ensure for the anesthesia with the use of Carlens pipe to flat one lung side. Subject and method: A study according to the advanced study, description and, comparison on 60 patients, who have been divided into 2 groups, each group has included 30 patients, group I: Adjusting the increase of breathing frequency (f) when aerating the breath of one lung side, group II: Adjusting the increase of breathing frequency (f) and adjusting the increase of breathing frequency (f) and decrease of breathing air achoresis (Vt) when aerating the breath of one lung side. Result: The index PaCO2: Both 2 groups at every period in the breath ventilation of one lung side has increased, comparison of before aerating the breath of one lung side (p0.05). The index HCO3: both 2 groups at the period T15 has increased, comparison of the time To (p0.01). The index pH, BE: both 2 groups at the period T15, T60 has decreased, comparison of the time To (p0.01). The indexes PaO2, SpO2 at every period of in aerating the breath of one lung side has increased, comparison of before aerating the breath of one lung side, which has no statistics sense difference (p0.05). Conclusion: Maintaining aerating the breath of minutes by increasing the breathing frequency 25-30 percent compared to the beginning, which has the stable maintenance for the arterial blood gases in' aerating the breath of one lung side period, the circulatable air acre-feet has decreased 20-30 percent compared to the beginning (5,5-6 ml/kg), which has restricted the increase of isoprenaline respires pressure of the breathing way in aerating the breath of one lung side in order to absolutely ensure for patients in anesthetic operation of using Carlens pipe.
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