The study conducted environmental monitoring at Thach Son, Chu Hoa communes and Luong Lo control commune in order to evaluate environmental pollution at the surrounding area of the Lam Thao super phosphate and chemical joint stock company. The results showed that concentration of HF, Pb, total dust and PM10 in the air exceeded maximum allowable concentration (MAC) and the rate of sample exceeding MAC was high 25-100 percent and higher than Luong Lo commune (no sample exceeded MAC). The average concentration of parameters in surface water, underground water of Thach Son, Chu Hoa were higher than Luong Lo commune. The quality of drinking and domestic water at three communes were not meet QCVN 01: 2009/BYT on chemical and physical agents. The Cu, Pb, Zn and P metals in soil, sediment in pond and lake of Thach Son, Chu Hoa were higher than that in Luong Lo commune. The quality of environment at the surrounding area of the Lam Thao super phosphate and chemical joint stock company were not meet QCVN and TCVN in general.
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