Objectives: to detect the prevalence and risk factors related to HPV infection in STIs patients. Methods: cross-sectional study. 301 patients, aged from 15-69 years, consisting of 143 men and 158 women were recruited from National Hospital of Dermato-Venereology. A self-administered questionnaire, clinical findings and taking sampling for HPV DNA were completed. Results: Prevalence was 36,54 percent for any HPV, 12,7 percent for oncogenic (high-risk) HPV and 59,1 percent for nononcogenic (low-risk) HPV. Of 301 patients, 19.27 percent men and 17.27 percent women were infected with HPV. There were 6 types of low-risk HPV and 8 types of high-risk HPV. The distribution of the following types, the same rate was 10.56 percent for HPV 16 and 18, HPV 58 (6.21 percent), HPV 11 (40.37 percent), HPV 6 (17.39 percent), other types were low. The risk factors are age, smoking status, habit of condom use and history of STIs. Conclusion: The prevalence of HPV infection is high 36.54 percent and the distribution of HPV types similar studies in the world. Need to do further studies in men to recommend the anogenital cancer caused by HPV is just not in women.
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