In recent years, gains from counterfeit drugs trade reachs billions of US dollars. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO),increase speed of this criminal industry gets 100 percent from year to year. Counterfeit and substandard drugs are becoming global evils of the pharmaceutical industry. Profit from poor quality drug trade are asmuch high as heroin trade, however penalty for this criminality is so light. Beside that, there is a lack of the required authority and inability to enforce the laws and regulation pertaining to violations of selling and distributing poor quality drugs. So that substandard and fake drugs are still manufactured, sold and distributed illegally. Counterfeit drugs occupy 10 percent of globally pharmacetical products and 30-50 percent of medicines distributing in developing countries and their proceeds reaches 45 billions of Euro per year. There are appropriate 200,000 deaths due to poor quality drugs annually. Counterfeit and substandard medicines can cause serious harm and even death. They contribute to the treatment failure, prolonged hospitalization and treatment, and in some cases may lead to the emergence of drug resistance. They also lose patients' trust in both medication methods and medical staff. In addition, they waste scarce financial resources both at governmental and individual levels. Detection and prevention of poor quality drugs in the market are very necessary and exigent.
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