Objectives: - Most of hypospadias type can be treated by one stage operation. However, the author had performed two stage operation for some of perineo-scrotal hypospadias : straightening and transposition of the penis in the first stage and urethroplasty in the second stage. Objectives: - To indicate the correction of hypospadias by two stage operation. - To present the technique of transposition and straightening of the penis. Methods: - Retrospective, escriptive study - Subjects: patients suffered perineo-scrotal hypospadias werer treated by two stage operation. - Duration: from June 2000 to May 2011. - Indication of two stage operation: Perineo-scrotal hypospadias with the penis is small or in a low position. - Technique: Resect all fibrous tissue in the inferior face of the penis and perform a transposition of the penis in the right position, preserve the prepuce and rotate the scrotal skin flap to cover the penis. - After surgical corection, HCG treatment for small penis. - Results: 39 patients in 991 hypospadias were operated by this technique. - Average age: 5,6 years old. - Hypospadias type: perineal hypospadias in 16 patients, scrotal hypospadias in 23 patients. Among them, the penis was small and in the right position in 4 patients, the penis was in the low position in 12 patients, the penis was small and in the low position in 23 patients. - The following up: 35 patients from 1 to 2 years; 4 patients over 2 years . The good results in 38 patients (97.4 percent); average result in 1 patient (2.6 percent). - Treatment HCG in 27 patients.
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