Objectives: Early Diagnosis and treabnent is required to have high survival rate for the congenital duodenal obstruction. This report present the surgical results of 41 patients suffered from the congenital duodenal obstruction operated on in Viet Duc Hospital. Material and method: Descriptve study patients diagnosed with congenital duodenal obstruction operated on in the Pediatric Surgical Department, Viet Duc hospital, from May 2004 to May 2011. Results: 41 patients, 26 males (63.4 percent), 15 females (36.6 percent). Average body weight: 2562.5 + or - 79.6g (1500-3700 g). The cause of obstruction: by membrane in15 patients (36.6 percent), annular pancreas in 14 patients (34.2 percent), duodenal atresia in 7 patients (17 percent), Ladd's band and malrotation in 5 patients (12.2 percent). Operating technique: duodenoduodenostomy in 20 patients (48 percent), excision of duodenal membrane in 14 patients (34.1 percent), Ladd's procedure in 5 patients (12.2 percent), and duodenojejunnostomy in 2 patients (4.9 percent). Mean of hospital-stay time: 12.3 days. Mortality rate 9.7 percent (4/41). Conclusion: Congenital duodenal obstruction can be diagnosed antenatal and has a high survival rate after surgical treatment. Postoperative mortality associated with severe abnormalities and respiratory insufficiency.
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