Objective: Evaluation of colorimetric techniques that by colorimetric Vita 20 classic and Easyshade Compact spectrophotometer in in-vitro. Subjects and Methods: Experimental study, evaluation colorimertric techniques that using two methods: using Vita 20 classic shade and Vita Easyshade compact. 105 small molars, incisors tooth were extracted for orthodontic reasons, periodontal area was cleared by Pumice powder. Results: Through studying colorimetric techniques by using Vita 20 classic and Vita Easyshade compact with 105 small molars and incisors tooth in invitro showed that no statistically significant difference between the two methods (p0,05), the results according Vita 20 classical: 8.89 + or - 4.52. Vita Easyshade compact and universal Munsell V (8,71 + or - 4,29), C (23,67 + or - 5,97), H (89,30 + or - 19,66) and CIEL *a*b* space (79,53 + or - 5,75), a (3,03 + or - 1,76), b (23,56 + or - 6,23). Condusions: By using Vita 20 classic and Vita Easyshade compact in invitro showed that no statistically significant difference between the two methods. Recommendations: Clinically should use colorimetric machine for dentists not many experience to give accurate results. Especially in the study of tooth bleaching using colorimetric machine will track the exact amount of change in the number of colors in the CIEL *a*b* space and universal Munsell.
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