Objectives: Elumilating the blood-pressure index, heart frequency changes and CO, SV, SW, SVR mearured by USCOM on patients transmissed 15 ml/kg NaCI 0,9 percent and 7ml/kg Gelofusin before spinal anaesthesia for extremitas inferior operation. Methods: A randomly characteristic experimenting study which has been tested at anesthesiology regain consciousness Department in Viet Tiep friendship hospital in Hai Phong, on over 90 patients, age from 16 to 65, extremitas inferior operation, weight over 40 kg, ASA I, II (according to the classification standard of Ameracan anaesthesia Association), without spinal anaesthesia contraindication. Patients have had spinal anaesthesia opperation regularly: patients have to lie on the operation side, punction needle 25G, punction needle point L2 - 3. Bupivacain spinal anaesthesia dose 0,5 percent high specific weight 0,12 mg/kg and mixed with 50 mcg fentanyl and divided into 2 groups: Group 1 (n = 45): transmissed 15 ml/kg NaCI 0,9 percent within 20 munites before spinal anaesthesia. Group 2 (n = 45): transmissed 7 ml/kg Gelofusin within 20 munites before spinal anaesthesia. Results: The rate of dropping blood-pressure at any times from T1 to T8 after spinal anaesthesia at Gelofusin transmissed group has always been lower than NaCI 0,9 percent (p 0,05) transmissed group. CO, SV, SW, SVR at group 2 has the more stable trend than group l,which has been statistics meaning difference at any time. The tatal of ephedrin and va transmissed liquid at group 2 has been clearly lower (p 0,05) than group 1. Conclusions: The Gelofusin transmissed liquid before spinal anaesthesia has made to significantly reduce the rate of dropping blood-pressure compared with crystal transmission before spinal anaesthesia.
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