Parapharyngeal space (PPS) are identified, namely those of salivary origin, neurogenic tumors and paragangliomas. The PPS is a complex anatomical potential space and high risk for complication.. Objective The radiological were analysed and comparisized with clinical data of 53 patiens PPS. Materials and method : A retrospective of 53 patients from Central Otorhinolaryngology Hospital who were diagnosed as PPS and underwent excision from 2005 to January 2010. Results Rate seen in men 51.04 percent), more than women 49.06 percent. The lateral space tumor is 90.57 percent, the post styloid (32.08 percent), the pre-styloid space (58.49 percent), the deep lobe of the parotid gland (18.87 percent), and the displaces the carotid artery posteriorly (90.57 percent). The size of tumor uper 3 em is 90.57 percent. The extent of the tumor and its relationship to surrounding structures in pharynx is 81.13 percent), and out site pharyngeal (26.42 percent). Conclusion: CT, MRI and angiogram are important modalities to support the diagnosis of para pharyngeal tumors and distinguish pre-styloid tumors from those in the post-styloid space.
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