Backgrounds: The surgical treatment af tharacic aartic diseases are at high risk far complication rates and mortality. The endovascular stent-graft treatment far the thoracic aorta aneurysm is considered naw as an alternative to surgical aortic diseases. The objective af this report shows initial results with the stent-graft implantation af the thoracic aortic aneurysm. Methods: Case reports, 5 patients with arch aortic aneurysm and 1 petient with descending thoracic aortic aneurysm were treated by endovascular stent-graft at Open-Heart Surgery Department af Cho Ray Hospital from May 2012 to. May 2013. Results: One af 6 patients was indicated emergency intervention because this patient had the ruptured descending thoracic aneurysm into the left pleural cavity with a sign af hemaptysis. There was no aperative martality. None of the patients developed paraplegia or paraparasis. There was no complication such as distal embolizatian, ruptured aneurysm or endoleaks. 3 patients were still hoarse at the discharge. Conclusions: endovascular stent-graft is feasible, safe and effective in the treatment af the thoracic aartic aneurysm.
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