Purpose: Describe the pathologic features and early post operative results of the patients with intrahepatic stones. Patients and method: a perspective describe study from 01-12/2013 at Viet Duc friendship hospital in the patients being diagnosed and operated for intrahepatic stones on clinical - paraclinical features, on operative methods and therapeutic outcomes. Results and discussion: stuty subjects included 189 patients (112 male, 74 female), mean age: 50.08 + or - 15.23 (min 17, max 86). 50 patients (26.9 percent) had Charcot's triad. 1 patients with biliary peritonitis, 4 patients with acute pancreatitis, 177 patients were had the common bile duct exploration with T tube drain. The residuel stones accounted for 37.9 percent. 3 patients had would infection 2 patients with post operative biliary leakage were cured by internal medicine, 2 patients were come home for serious status.the average hospital stay was 8.75 + or - 3.3 days (range: 4-27). Conclusion: The patients with intrahepatic stones usually had a prolonged duration of illness or were operated several times. Clinical features weren't usually typical, The common bile duct exploration with T tube drain were the most common and had a high complete stone clearance if aasociated with electrohydraulic lithotripsy. The residuel stones accounted for 37.9 percent, mainly in sub-segment level, the incidence of residuel stones in the patients with single Intrahepatic stones were higher (P0.05).
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