Objectives: kidney transplantation of Viet Duc hospital is mainly from the living donor. The authors would like to report the results of the serial. Material and method: From October 2008 to October 2011, 54 kidney transplant recipients transplanted from the living donor at Viet Duc hospital. Technique: the authors transplant on the right iliac fosal, renal vein: end to side with the right external iliac vein; artery: usually end to side with the right external iliac artery; ureteral reimplantation via a Lich-Gregoir technique with double J (ureteral steint). Results: 44 cases were males (81.4 percent). 10 cases were females (18.6 percent); 45 cases were unrelated donor kidney transplantation (83.3 percent). There were 24 (44.4 percent) right renal grafts and 30 (55.6 percent) left renal grafts. The post-operative results after 3 month were satisfactory in 54/54 cases (100 percent). Operative complication 1.9 percent. Post-operative complications: dead 0 percent, bleeding 3.7 percent, arterial stenosis 1.9 percent, urinary leaking and uretaral stenosis 0 percent, delayed function 1.9 percent. Imuno-response: 3.8 percent acute rejection, senSible to corticotherapy, no nepherectomy due to acute rejection. Creatinin in blood come back to normal 63 percent when discharged from hospital and stable after 3 months. Conclusion: The kidney transplantation from living donor becomes regular operation of Viet Duc hospital. The surgical results were satisfied, no severe complication, neither surgical mortality rate. Now the authors succeed to expand more the number of kidney transplantation, not only with living donor but with the brain dead donor.
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