Ensuring environmental hygiene (air, water and medical solid wasteare very necessary in theactivities in the field of examine and treat medically at the private polyclinics (PPs). Today, in Vietnam, there are many private healthcare facilities (PHFs). Some PHFs in Hai Duong city are operating in environmental conditions at risk of air pollution, running water and medical solid waste, negative affect on the quality of examine and treat medically. The initial research results on this issue the year 2010 shows that: Microclimate conditions in PPs of Hai Duong city in the summer are: air temperature is only 10oC higher than Labor Hygiene Standard No. 5733/2002-MOH, but from 3 to 6°C higher than Vietnam Standards No. 5687-1992. The light intensity is only from 15 to 35 lux (lower than the standard is from 65 to 85 lux). The noise is higher than standards 5 dBA. The CO2 gas in clinic is from 0.045 to 0.048 percent, obtain standard. Most physical and chemical norms of the source of running water and water wells for the PPs in Hai Duong city obtain Vietnam Standards No. 02:2009 MOH. All water samples were infected by Coliform at least is 20 (VK/100ml), some samples to exceed Accepted Limit over 46 times. The quantity of waste in the big type polyclinics: 2000g/day; in the small and medium type polyclinics: 500-1000g/day. In the big type polyclinics: clinical wastes are classified and collected separately (black, gold, green). In the small and medium polyclinics: there is no clinical waste sorting and separate collection. The time for storing the waste is weekly in the big type polyclinics and in the small and medium polyclinics is monthly. For waste management measures, the small and medium polyclinics often contract with the urban environment company for the transport, along with household waste.
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