What is characteristic of normal number and good quality of spermatozoon? From that reasons we study on the number, quality sperm of 120 healthy young men in the Military Academy of Medicine at the age of 19-23 year old with some indicator as folows: Volume, pH, number, quality of sperm (morphology, mobility, incidence of died sperm) serum testosterone, height, wveight. The results showed that: 85 percent normal. (Volume 2.53ml + or- 1.08, pH = 7.54 + or - 0.33, number of spermozoon: 136.69 milion/ml + or 58.38, the quality of spermatozoon: nonnal morphology 88.40 percent + or - 18.23, advanced motability 63.73 percent + or - 10.22, incidence of died sperm 24.87 percent + or - 11.87); 2 percent azospenn, 13 percent less ability of fertilization. Height, weight are npt involved to the number, quality of spenn. The volume of spennatozoon is not involved to the number, quality of spenn. Serum testosterone have closed relationship to the number, quality of spenntatozoon.
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