Basing on the classifying criteria of Ministry of Health such as the height, weight and chest size measurements the research is carried out on the physical health analysis of 429 the second year students of Can Tho University of Medecine and Pharmacy. The results showed that: there are 72 percent being heathily classified to the class I, 24,1 to the class II, 0,75 to the class III, 2,9 percent to the class IV and 0,3 percent to the class V. The first and second percentages are higher than of what the other universities get corespondingly. On the other hand, among the male students decended from the cities there are only 61 percent of them classified to the class I and respectively the female students from countrysides achive the class I with the higher percentage of 63,5 percent. The sex factor have related to the healthy classification of students. The better the healthy classes, the more number of male students. The body side of students tend to increase with time.
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