Degenerative lumbar spine is a problem of global medicine. Chronic disease hurting joints: the first phase, causing damage to the articular cartilage and spinal disc, then the synovial membrane, including joints, ligaments. This is a common problem, accounting for 31.12 percent of degenerative joint disease. Patients proportional to age-related and occupational heavy labor as porters, miners. Degenerative lumbar spine 136 Research in Nursing Hospital - Rehabilitation in 2011. Search results are a number of factors related to the rate of degenerative lumbar spine, including women (69.9 percent) than men (30.1 percent), proportional to the age of patients, of which or = 70 years of age accounted for over one third (34.6 percent). The disease is common in the elderly/retired (48.5 percent) and manual workers (33.8 percent). The disease usually caused by damage to L4 vertebrae (31.6 percent), L5 (42.6 percent) and people with normal BMI. Patients hospitalized with back pain, limited joint range of motion and sensation disorders (84.6 percent). Most patients applied the technique exercise therapy, infrared, massage therapy, electrolysis medicine, ultrasound and shortwave. Comparing results before and after the application of physiotherapy techniques: Many patients have significant improvement of dinical symptoms and X. Optical.
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