Through the method of desciptive and analytic research (combining qualitative and quantitative analysis) and community intervention study (before and after) which are used for PR model with 60 reporters and journalists in Hanoi, we can see that: the messages about blood donation suiting the reporters and jourmalists include: the update on situation of blood donation (100 percent); infomation about events and communication campaigns about blood donation (100 percent); infomation about representative organizations and individuals (100 percent); information about blood receivers (90 percent); and activities of blood donors (85 percent) as well as professional staff (63.3 percent). The way of showing the mesages consists of statistics of blood donation (100 percent), stories (100 percent), short news (95 percent), reports (88.3 percent), press releases (76.7 percent), video, audio tape, pictures (65 percent), articles and data tapes (46.7 percent). The PR model towards the press in term of developing source of blood donors includes 5 steps. The results of implementing this model are increasing of adequate knowleadge from 43.3 percent to 71.3 percent; the rate of objects with adequate attitude about blood donation and belief in blood transfusing services increasing from 47.7 percent to 93.2 percent and 56.7 percent to 95.0 percent altermately; beside that 85 percent of researched objects has 3 and over press works in 1 year; there are 4 press media campaigns, 568 works printed 7,085 times in many papers and websitesi and it gets 5/5 given criteria after carrying out the model.
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