Introduction: Drug addiction, particularly heroin addiction is a social evil. It has deeply affect to patients, families and society. Numbers person drug addicts has trends increasing. Objective: Reviews the effectiveness of treatment cutting heroin addiction by levomepromazin and diazepam. Patients and Method: including 59 male patients, according to the heroin addict diagnosis standard of American psychiatry Assembly in 1994 (DSM-IV), inpatient treatment at a mental hospital in Hai Phong, aged from 18 to 58 years old. it is prospective study, cross, analyze each of the typical case. Results: The mental disorders and body appear mainly in three days, from days 5 of treatment the disorder tends to decrease. After 10 days of treatment only a few patients are still some signs such as decrease insomnia mood, anxiety, craving for heroin. The drug dose levomepromazin average 127.5 + or - 78.5mg / patient / day, diazepam was 28.75 + or - 16,5mg / patient / day. Conclusion: The study of the drug effectively cut heroin addiction is clinically necessary and very useful.
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