This study of prevalence of abnormal Pap'mear and HPV genotypes was conducted by collecting data of 1004 women in Thai Nguyen province, aged between 20 at)d 60, by cervical cytology screening method and HPV genotyping during the period from August to November 2011. This is an cross-sectional descriptive study. Specimens were collected by the WHO's standard procedure, Papanicolaous stained, then being screened for lesions by Bethesda classification 2001. At the same time, specimens were genotyped for HPV by PCR in the National Dermatology Hospital. Data processing was conducted by SPPP 16.0. The average a.ge of the subjects is 46 + or - 8.6, in which the percentage of the women aged from 30 - 50 is 84 percent. There were 1.9 percent of HSILin which 2.9 percent of ASC and 4.1 percent of LSIL. There were 92 HPV positive cases (9.2 percent) by 19 types. Among these cases, low risk type (6 types) were 5.1 percent, including type 81 (2.3 percent), type 11 (1.9 percent). The other types were in low percentage " 1 percent). the authors detected 114 cases of high risk HPV types (13 types), among which type 16 and type 18 were at the highest percentage (3.8 percent and 2.5 percent respectively). All of the HSIL cases were HPV positive, while 97.6 percent of LSIL cases were HPV positive and merely 62.1 percent of ASC cases were HPV positive.
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