Subjects and methods: Cross- sectional descriptive study. Results: In 2011, there are 362 patients received platelets concentrate in their hospitalization, include 67.4 percent male and 32.6 percent female, age from 3 to 80, (average: 46.5 + or - 21,2 years old), trauma: 31.5 percent and non-trauma: 68.5 percent (27.5 percent cases with liver deseases, 3 cases with organ transplantation (0.8 percent), opened heart surgery with cardiopulmonary bypass: 12.2 percent, 8 cases with ITP, leukemia and aplastic anemia (2.2 percent). The number of platelets concentrates is 709 units, including 188 units of platelet apheresis (26.5 percent), the rate of group O: 42 percent, group B: 29 percent, group A: 25.1 percent and group AB: 3.9 percent. Among them, there is only 20.3 percent supplied in plan. The source of platelets comes from volunteers (61.5 percent) and paid-donors (21.4 percent).
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