Mô tả thực trạng viêm nhiễm sinh dục dưới và đánh giá kết quả điều trị ở bệnh nhân khám phụ khoa tại bệnh viện Trường đại học Y –Dược Thái Nguyên. Đối tượng: 150 bệnh nhân được khám và chẩn đoán viêm nhiễm sinh dục dưới bằng lâm sàng và xét nghiệm dịch âm đạo tại BV Trường Đại học Y khoa Thái Nguyên. Phương pháp nghiên cứu: Mô tả cắt ngang. Kết quả: Tỷ lệ Nhiễm trùng sinh dục dưới (25,4%), đối tượng bệnh nhân nhiễm trùng đường sinh dục dưới ở độ tuổi trung bình 34,3 ±7,8 tuổi, chưa có chồng chiếm 12%; chưa sinh con chiếm 19,4%. Tỉ lệ nhiễm trùng âm đạo 79,3%, nhiễm trùng cổ tử cung 45,3%. Các tác nhân gây bệnh: nấm Candida 23,3%, Trichomonas vaginalis 8%, cầu khuẩn Gram dương 29,3%, trực khuẩn Gram âm 62,6%. Kết quả điều trị chung, tỷ lệ khỏi 62%, đỡ 38%. Kết quả điều trị khỏi theo nguyên nhân gây bệnh: Nấm Candida 71,4% ; Gardnerella vaginalis 70%; Trichomonas vaginalis 75%; Chlamydia trachomatis 80% ; cầu khuẩn Gram dương 77,3%; Trực khuẩn Gram âm 84%.
To describe current situation of lower genital tract infections and assess results of treatments among female outpatients at the Department of Gynaecology of Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. Methods: A cross-sectional study of female outpatients was conducted at the Department of Gynaecology of Thai Nguyen University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital. 150 female patients diagnosed with lower genital tract infections were selected for this study. Pelvic examination and bacterial vaginosis tests were evaluated for diagnosis of lower genital tract infections. Results: Among female outpatients representing at Department of Gynaecology for gynaecology exams, there were 150 (25.4%) patients diagnosed with lower genital tract infections. Among 150 patients, the mean age was 34.3±7.8, 12% female were single, 19.4% female had been not pregnant. The number of patients getting vaginitis was 79.3%, and cervicitis was 45.3%. The proportion of lower genital tract infections caused by Candida was 23.3%, Trichomonas vaginalis was 8%, Gram-positive bacteria was 29.3% and Gram-negative bacteria was 62.6%. Of 150 women, 62% patients made complete recovery while 38% made incomplete recovery. The percentage of complete recovery from lower genital tract infections caused by Candida was 71.4%, Gardnerella vaginalis was 70%, Trichomonas vaginalis was 75%, Chlamydia trachomatis was 80%, Gram-positive bacteria was 77.3% and Gram-negative bacteria was 84%.
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