Objectives: This study aims to describe the HIV testing situation among pregnant women and its associated factors during pregnancy. Results: The prevalence of women who had HIV testing during pregnancy was low (9.1 percent). The major reasons for women not having HIV test during pregnancy consisted of no information about HIV test (19.7 percent) and not being required an HIV test by health staffs (39.1 percent). The following factors were associated with low prevalence of HIV testing: low education level, low frequency of antenatal care visits, taking the first antenatal care at commune health stations. Being informed about HIV testing at their first antenatal care visit were significant associated with HIV testing during pregnancy. Conclusions: The prevalence of woman who had HIV testing during pregnancy was quite lower than that in the National guidelines on the prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) integrated with antenatal care at all levels of health fadlities. Health facilities for the first antenatal care and being informed about HIV testing in this visit played an important role for women having HIV test pregnancy.
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