Objective: To assess nutritional status and food intake of children 6-24 months of age in two districts of Binh Thanh and Binh Tan, Ho Chi Minh city. Methods: Across-sectional survey was carried out in 289 children 6-24 months in Binh Thanh and Binh Tan districts of Ho Chi Minh city. All children were measured height and weight to assess nutritional status. Their mothers were interviewed about breastfeeding practice. Among them, 201 children who have not breastfed or have stopped breastfeeding were interviewed for a single 24h dietary intake. Nutritional status of children under 5 years old was evaluated by three indicators: weight for age (W/A), height for age (H/A) and weight for height (W/H) using WHO standards 2005. Energy and nutrient intake of children were compared to RDA. Results: Prevalence of stunting and overweight was 10.0 percent and 12.5 percent, respectively. Energy intake of children 6-11m, 12-17m, and 18-24m were 1057.6 kcal, 1232.9 kcal, arid 1213.6 kcal, respectively. The proportion of protein, fat and carbohydrates was 15.4 percent-16.8 percent, 28.1 percent31.6 percent, and 53.1 percent-55.1 percent, respectively. Vitamin and mineral intake was higher than the requirement. Conclusions: There was under- and over-nutrition co-existing in children 6-24m in Binh Thanh and Binh Tan. Energy intake of children 6-24m, who has on breastfeeding, met the RDA but was not appropriate in proportion.
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