Overview: Rectal cancer is a common malignant disease of the digestive tract. Laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer has been more and more popular. The aim of this study was to assess the early outcomes of laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer. Patients and methods: Cross-sectional study on rectal cancer patients who underwent laparoscopic surgery from 1/2011 - 9/2013 at Hanoi Medical University Hospital. Results: Total 62 patients, 27 males and 35 female. Mean age 56.8. T1 rate 0 percent, T2 rate 8.1 percent, T3 rate 59.7 percent and T4 rate 32.2 percent. Laparoscopic anterior resection for 32 patients, laparoscopic low anterior resection for 3 patients and Miles procedure for 27 patients. Conversional rate 4/62. Mean operating time was 145.8 :t 50 minutes for laparoscopic anterior resection, 190.5 + or - 25 minutes for laparoscopic low anterior resection and 170.6 + or - 30 minutes for Miles procedure. Complication: 1 case injury ureter, 2 cases postoperative bleeding, 4 cases incision infection, 3 cases anastomotic leakage, 1 case early bowel obstruction and 5 cases postoperative urine retention. Death rate 0 percent. Mean hospital stay 10.3. Conclusion: Laparoscopic surgery for rectal cancer is a safe procedure. the authors can perform rectal cancer patients without metastasis.
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