Parapharyngeal space (PPS) are identified, namely those of salivary origin, neurogenic tumors and paragangliomas. The PPS is a complex anatomical potential space and high risk for complication. Objective The radiological were analysed and comparisized with clinical data of 53 patiens PPS. Materials and methode: A retrospective of 53 patients from Central Otorhinolaryngology Hospital who were diagnosed as PPS and underwent excision from 2005 to January 2010. R~sults Rate seen in men 51.04 percent), more than women 49,06 percent. The lateral space tumor is 90.57 percent, the post styloid (32.08 percent), the pre-styloid space (58.49 percent), the deep lobe of the parotid gland (18.87 percent) , and the displaces the carotid artery posteriorly (90.57 percent). The size of tumor uper 3 cm is 90.57 percent. The extent of the tumor and its relationship to surrounding structures in pharynx is 81.13 percent), and out site pharyngeal (26.42 percent). Conclusion: CT, MRI and angiogram are important modalities to support the diagnosis of para pharyngeal tumors and distinguish pre-styloid tumors from those in the post-styloid space.
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