Introduction: Although methods for classifying facial fractures have been extensively described in the literature, corresponding classification systems for complex soft-tissue injuries are few. The authors would like to present primary result on application new classification systems MOXAIC for complex softtissue injurie to the face. Material and method: A retrospective study of 118 patients with complex soft-tisue injurie to the face underwent emergency operation at Viet Duc Hospital since 11/2004 to 12/2008. Complex soft-tisue injurie to the face was refer for the major facial wound (longer than 10cm) in which it can damages in internal part such as craniofacial bone, carotide arteries, facial nerve, gland parotid, Stensen duct or eye ball. Results: Base on location, directionality, number of anatomic unit involved, severity for the life, way of treatment, result and prognosis the Complex soft tisue injurie can devided into 5 type:
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